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Activities by the Peacock Restoration Team at Pilani

In collaboration with BITSAA, Bring the Peacocks Back - A Rauf Ali Memorial Project was set up in February 2017. Headed by Prof. Sangeeta Sharma, and ably supported by a team comprising faculty members, students, and external experts, the BITS Peafowl conservation team aims to save not only the peafowl population but also the other bird species in Pilani Ecosystem. Dr. Rauf Ali, a BITSian alumnus, was a legendary ecologist, and nephew of the one and only Salim Ali, Birdman of India. We hope this will be the first of several such projects and be worthy of his name.

Setting up a Segregated Quarantine facility in the Peacock Restoration Area

Carrying out regular counts to keep a tab of the current peafowl population in Pilani.

Setting up a Segregated Quarantine facility in the Peacock Restoration Area

Removing kites from trees after Makar Sankranti (kite festival)

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Proff. Sangeeta Sharma