The library is temporarily closed and is scheduled to resume services at 09:00 AM
09:00 AM - 12:00 AM
09:00 AM - 12:00 AM
09:00 AM - 12:00 AM
Library Rules & Regulations

Library Rules & Regulations

General Instructions for Users

  • All readers are advised to store their personal belongings and food items in the designated baggage counter, excluding laptops, mobiles, iPads, and other valuable items. The library management is not liable for any loss of materials or belongings within the library premises
  • Library members are required to carry their ID cards and register their entry/exit using the Patron Traffic Manager located at the entrance. Failing to comply with this requirement will lead to denied access to the library.
  • Members are required to visit the library in person for book borrowal. Non-transferable student cards must be presented upon request by library personnel.
  • Visitors/outsiders are allowed with prior permission from the University Librarian with an introductory from the concerned Organization / Institution.
  • Books available in the Reference section (Hall No.1 and Hall No.4), BHG Gallery, G.D. Birla Collection, Thesis and Dissertation, loose issues of periodicals are strictly NOT-FOR-LOAN and will not be issued.
  • Readers are advised not to carry books from one hall to another. Materials taken from the stacks should not be re-shelved by readers; instead, please leave them on the table after consultation to prevent misplacement.
  • Readers should not deface, mark, cut, mutilate or damage marking with pencil or ink on books/ periodicals is an offence.
  • Stealing or damaging Library books is a serious offence. If identified, the fine will be Rs.2000/- (rupees two thousand) per book and will be suspended from the library for 15 days.
  • Eatable items are not permitted in the library.
  • The use of mobile phones and other noisy instruments is prohibited.
  • Members are kindly requested to maintain a quiet environment within the library premises and refrain from disturbing fellow users. Conversations should be limited to designated discussion areas to minimize disruption to others engaged in quiet reading or study.
  • Library's photocopying services are fee based and the users must comply with relevant copyright legislation.
  • Readers leaving the library are required to allow library and security personnel to examine their personal belongings.
  • The library has every right to terminate the membership at any time in case of any violations of rules and regulations.
  • To ensure equitable access to study spaces, please remember to take all personal belongings, including laptops, mobile devices, tablets, and personal books, with you when leaving the library for more than 30 minutes. Failure to do so will result in a penalty charge of Rs.30/- and your space may be reassigned to other students.
  • Any damage to library furniture or assets will result in immediate suspension from library access for one month, with repair or replacement costs recovered from the responsible student(s) and charged to their SWD mess bill.
  • In the event of valuable items being lost from the library, only five minutes of CCTV footage will be accessible during office hours (3:00 PM to 4:00 PM) from Monday to Friday and 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM on Saturday, subject to the presence of designated library staff. Requests for CCTV footage will not be entertained after 5:00 PM, and no CCTV footage requests cannot be fulfilled on Sundays or during holidays. Please be aware that the CCTV cameras are connected to a central server, and you may send request to or contact the Chief Security Officer to access the footage from the security office.
  • Access to library facilities and services is restricted to authorized users (Registered Students, Faculty members, PhD Scholars and Staff members) only. However, temporary membership or permission is available for external visitors, allowing access to the reading room for up to 10 days, between 9:00 AM and 5:00 PM, Monday to Friday.

Library Fine, Renewals and Reservations

  • The borrowers are requested to check the books thoroughly before checkout. Any damage should be reported to library staff.The last borrower shall be liable for any damage found on the loaned items.
  • The books may be renewed for two additional terms, on condition that they are not reserved by other members.
  • If a book is not returned within the due date, the Overdue charges will be charged as follows: Rs. 5/- per day per book
  • A reminder email will be sent 24 hours prior to the deadline, prompting you to renew or return any borrowed books. Additionally, overdue notifications will be sent via email if the return deadline is missed.
  • On return of the reserved book, the member will be informed automatically through e-mail for collecting the reserved book from the library. The reserved book must be issued within 48 hours following the sending of the e-mail alert.
  • In the event of loss or damage to a borrowed book, users are required to replace it with the latest edition or pay the cost of the latest edition of the book, along with an administrative charge of Rs. 100 per book. Once the payment is made for the lost book, it will be removed from the user's library account
  • No dues certification will be issued from the library only after the library dues are fully paid up upon completion of the programme.
  • All students must return all borrowed books immediately after completing the final semester exam. The pending books in their name will be considered as lost and the cost of the latest edition along with admin charges of Rs.100/- will be included in their SWD Mess Bill as Library Charges

Books Borrowing Privileges

Item TypeLoan periodRenewal periodPatron CategoryCheckouts AllowedRenewals allowed (count)
Book/Textbooks/Novels/Fiction/Young Learner Section180180Faculty Members302
Book/Textbooks/Novels/Fiction602Off-Campus Faculty Members42
Book/Fiction/Biography/Young Learner Section3015Non-Teaching Staff52
Book/Textbooks/Young Learner Section3030Non-Teaching Staff-Undergoing further education from other Institutes (On Production of admission proof/ID card issued by Institute)62
Book/Textbooks/Young Learner Section3030Non-Teaching-WILP Students (On Production of admission proof/ID card issued by WILP)62
Book/Textbooks/Novels/Fiction3030PHD Scholors152
Book/Textbooks/Novels/Fiction2020JRF-Research Scholars62
Book/Textbooks/Novels/Fiction2525Students (PG)122
Book/Textbooks/Novels/Fiction2020Students (UG)102
Childrens Library3030Young Learners52