The library is temporarily closed and is scheduled to resume services at 09:00 AM
09:00 AM - 09:00 PM
09:00 AM - 09:00 PM
09:00 AM - 09:00 PM


Are E-RESOURCES accessible to all the users?

Can I access the E-Resources (Research Databases, E-Journals, E-Books etc.) from outside the campus?

Can I bring my personal books and other reading materials to the library?

Can I issue/reissue the books if I have fine due to the library?

Can I issue the books which are kept for display in the Library?

Can I reserve books which are already issued to any member?

Can I reserve multiple books in my name which are already issued from the library?

Can I take photograph inside the Library?

Can members donate their personal books to the library?

Can the reference book be issued to the member?

Can you provide guidance on obtaining an OpenAthens account through the BITS Pilani Library, Pilani Campus?

Does the Library charged fine for any overdue documents?

For what purpose I can book the Library space?

How can I access documents from a different BITS Pilani campus library?

How can I access E-Journals/Databases outside the campus?

How can I become a member of the Library?

How can I cancel a reserved document?

How can I give any suggestion to library authority regarding provision of the quality service to the users?

How can I locate books on the shelf?

How can I raise the request for an article or book if they are not available in any of the campus library ?

How do I distinguish reference books from other library books?

How do I find a particular book or a journal in the Library?

How do I get the library notices/reminders?

How do I know what e-books are available / accessible to BITS Pilani users?

How do I recommend a book for purchase in the Library?

How do I renew a book and for how many times can I renew the same books?

How do I use 3D Printer in the library?

How do I use Self-Issue /Self check out / Self Check-in facility?

How many book I can issue at one time?

How many days I can issue a book?

How to access E-Journals/ Databases subscribed by the library?

How to book the spaces in the Library?

How to find e-resources?

How to suggest new books for the library to procure?

How WebOPAC search helps me to locate the documents?

If I do not get the book on shelf, what can I do?

Is entry/exit for the members is mandatory for use of the library?

Is it possible that I can use the library card of my friend on his/her behalf?

Is it possible to issue the books which are reserved?

Is rare books are allowed to borrow?

Is there any alert service provided by the Library from time to time about the status of reservation and borrowed books?

Is there any grace period to be available to the member after due date for returning the books?

Library timings during summer vacation and Semester Break

The catalogue card shows that the book I need is in process, can I request it for issue?

The catalogue card shows that the book I need is out; can I request it?

What are the booking spaces in the Library?

What are the resources available in the Library?

What is Free Books to Pick in the Library?

What is Lost and Found in the Library?

What is One Search?

What is "OPAC"?

What is the Library Timings ?

What is the process for visiting Birla Heritage Gallery & Rare Book Library?

What shall I do if I need the clearance of dues from the library?

What should I do if I lost the BITS ID card?

What should I do if the book I borrowed got lost?

What types of documents are kept in the Reference Collection?

When will the library begin its extended hours for the comprehensive examinations scheduled for May 2024?

When will the library begin its extended hours for the midsemester examinations scheduled for March 2024?

Where can I get the document that I have reserved in my account?

Where should I pay the library fine/dues?

Which disciplinary action can be taken against me if I fail to deposit the fine within the stipulated period?

Who are authorized to use the Library?

Who is responsible for damage occurred in the library spaces?

Whom should I contact If I do not get access to a particular E-RESOURCE or want to learn more about E-Resources?

Whom to contact for queries regarding finding books and journals?